Christoph Tessmar: “Digital and hybrid are playing an essential role”


In a really troubled period of our lives, when everything is changing so quickly, we asked Christoph Tessmar, president of ICCA’s Iberian Chapter, for a short observation. How does he look at these times, when the event industry seemed set for a good year of work, and suddenly everything changed, because of covid‑19?

How do you comment the fact that in the most recent ICCA ranking there were three Iberian cities in the top 5?

For me as the actual Iberian Chapter Chair and my entire Board it is a tremendous satisfaction to see that our Chapter is so relevant in our industry and that we have so strong destinations with such a great and professional performance. I want to point out the fact that Lisbon has achieved the 2nd place for the first time. This is the result of hard work and excellent job done in the past years. Congratulations to my friends in Portugal.

How do you see the “new normal” regarding events, after covid‑19?

At the moment it is difficult to predict anything. It will sure take time to celebrate events face to face as we were used to. New aspects, like digital and hybrid are playing an essential role right now. Other elements like sustainability and security will be key for the future. In the meantime, we all have to learn on adapting us to this new situation. But I am really optimistic that we will go through this crisis and will be back with live events.

What is, or can be, the role of an association like ICCA during such a difficult time?

First of all, associations have to be on the forefront to attend and help its members. A lot of presence is really necessary. The members have to feel that they are not alone during this crisis. I have to say that ICCA is doing very well in organising many meetings as well as educational and very informative webinars. Sharing experiences between our community was and is very helpful.

Were your goals, as a board, changed by this new coronavirus situation? If yes, in what way?

Our goals are not changing, but we have to recognise that we need to be more present. This is not an easy task, as we have to deal individually with our own problems. Nevertheless, we are committed to the chapter and our members.